Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cargotecture, et al

My most recent momentary obsession and research topic has been the construction of housing using decommissioned shipping containers. I think that the idea appeals because it is a relatively cheap construction material to acquire, it stacks like Lego bricks (and I love playing with Lego), the design possibilities are incredible and lend themselves to Bauhaus styling which plays into my interest in Art Deco period architecture, and it's green. I'm not a huge environmentalist type, but why spend big bucks on new when the same effect can be achieved with recycled components. Put all of that together with the desire to stay unique and voila: a new studio/house project may happen someday sooner than later. The key question is going to become where it happens though.

Here's three of the dozens of links for Cargotecture that I checked out recently:

Still working on the submissions for the Metal Arts Guild of Nova Scotia annual competition and exhibition. It is a must to get things finished off this week as they need to be in the post very soon to meet the deadline. I will take pix of the entries, but I won't be able to post them until after the judging has taken place for the show.

This Saturday, August 22nd: Women's Festival in Fredericton, all day till 9PM.

Back at the Garrison Studio shop for tomorrow and next week I am next door at Productive Hands from 11:30-1:30, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That's the NB Crafts Council's shop where I will be demonstrating for 2 hours each day.

And yes, there is stuff on the bench, work in progress for custom orders, but not finished yet.


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