Saturday, January 30, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010


Warning: I am navel-gazing today.

It's time for the word "planning" again. In the latter part of the year, it gets too busy to plan and I find myself on autopilot based on the plans from the first half.

I have almost printed my 2010 calendar where I have started to plot in the events for the 1st quarter. These include meetings and parties and appointments that I know about already. Show dates are getting penciled in for the year too. Classes will be added to the calendar as we go along.

The hardest is scheduling the not fun part of the work, that's the stuff that has nothing to do with being social or creative, like paperwork and planning, but still has to be done. One thing though that I have learned over the years is to schedule about 2.5 times more time for the job than what I initially estimate it taking. That allows time for errors, corrections, distractions, disturbances and just generally underestimating the work to begin with. It's pretty bang on for me at 2.5 times.

One of my main objectives for this month is cleaning out the magazines that have accumulated in the studio. This is something that I have been putting off - do I toss them completely into the recycle bin, or take the time to go back through them and clip the articles that may contain useful information? How much time do I want to spend on this becomes the real crux of the matter for me. I want the shelves for books, but I also want the information, but that means finding a way to file it so that it is still not consuming double digit feet of shelf space. Arghh... it's just a matter of time until what to do with this gets figured out, in the meantime, I am doing a Frenchy's run on Thursday.

Oh yes, Happy New Year, by the way.
