Friday, October 10, 2008

Fredericton's Art Trek

In just one more week the Arts Alliance Art Trek will open at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre with a celebration between 7 and 9. Good time to show up and see the CSAC studios and pick up your map for the rest of the open studios and plan your route for the weekend.

The Daily Gleaner reporter Lori Gallagher and photogrpaher James West did a great job of featuring the Trek in yesterdays Live It! section. Always nice to see one's name in print. to reference the current article page.

To see the poster and print a copy for yourself, there is one on the Arts Aliiance web: but it is a large file so I don't suggest it for dial-up.

Let's get out there and go for a Trek and show artists that we appreciate their cultural contributions by showing up and saying "Good job".


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