"Hey, by the way, I am a fan of you! I was looking at your website and I like what I see. The way you describe your work and what it means to you is really well put together. Most of all, what gets to me at my core is the way you talk about beauty, hidden beauty. There is something I get on a deep level. It is there in your jewelry pieces and it is there in your aura, as well."
I just got this note from friend who is a very spiritual person, and I like him a lot. He's a powerful person, but quiet and I appreciate the level of introspection that he has given to his life. His note has let me know that the artist's statement of why I do what I do has some meaning. It may not make sense to everyone, but at least makes sense to someone.
The statement came out of a lot of self-examination. I could have gone on about pretty rock and loving colour, which I did for awhile, but for myself to truly know why I do this, I had to look at myself.
The past ten years have contained some of the best and worst of what has happened in my life, severe depression cycles, wonderful up times, end of a marriage and meeting and marrying one person who loves to loves me as I am. Getting instant family, giving up a business, and starting another. Mourning losses and finding myself. Gaining weight, then loosing it, keeping it off. Getting older, getting wiser. Being shy and learning to act so that no one needs to know. Closing up, closing myself off, isolating, and deciding that that is not the right path. Opening up, making the decision to connect. Reconnecting with old friends and making new friends, meeting people, jumping out of my comfort zone. Trying new foods, going places, getting dressed up, getting out. Finding out that I am beautiful, not in the fashion magazine sense of the word, but in my own very unique, individual way. Beautiful, when I let myself love and share and talk and show my inner nature.
So in response to my friend: ... thank you. I am truly honoured that you are a fan.
The whole thing of beauty, and inner beauty especially, stems from 'ugly duckling' issues. I suspect that even the most physically beautiful people have them too. On the technical side, gems are graded for their beauty and the realization is that none are perfect. There are invisible to the naked eye flaws, discolourations, problems with size or cut. A physically beautiful gem stone may have been chemically treated in some way to give it the appearance of perfection, but inside, under a microscope, it is a mass of fractures. An ordinary rock that on the outside looks worn, cracked, uneven, ugly, can have the most beautiful natural crystals or colours or patterns. This is humanity and unfortunately we rarely allow ourselves to get close enough to others to find their inner beauty and more importantly, we rarely spend the time on ourselves to realize that we are beautiful. Discovering that we are is a remarkable thing.
I am very happy you that you are reaching new levels in your meditations. You are a beautiful person and it only adds to your quiet power.
Talk soon, stay well.
It is through art, and through art only, that we can realize our perfection.. - Oscar Wilde
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