Monday, August 13, 2007

Getting Caught Up

We're back. Been out running the roads for the past while.

We had the pleasure of doing a small craft show in Windsor, Nova Scotia last weekend. Knocked their socks off, meet some great folks, and made a couple of really good contacts on the jewelry side of things. Stayed with my great-aunt and spent a bit of time touring the back-roads and finding spots where they dead-end on the Bay of Fundy. That makes rock-hounding very enjoyable. Park, walk to the beach and sit on the pebble-strewn beach, dig through the pebbles for little gems of stone and let the tide come in around us. Can't beat it. A great mini, 5 day, working vacation.

Yesterday we were up-river in Woodstock for a small art-show. Beautiful weather to sit by the bank of the Meduxnekeg River.

The benefit of doing the smaller venues is that we are able to fine-tune the display. I am just now (after years) getting a better feel for how much stuff on display is too much stuff. I have to thin out some of the display boards before the show in Fredericton and this is after having already culled the displays earlier this summer.

I spent this morning getting caught up on some of the book-keeping and I have gotten caught in figuring out the next round of deadlines. To coincide with the New Brunswick Crafts Council show in Fredericton (31 Aug - 2 September) there are 2 exhibition submissions to finish and mail-out. I'm running out of time, but I have always been good at coming with stuff at the last minute. Being able to function under pressure has its benefits.

Last week after getting back I got caught up in finishing a couple of pieces that I left on the bench. They look very cool so I will photograph and post them.

On the home front, the new wood shed is half-finished, just have to pick up some more materials. Got the kid out for back-to-school clothes on Saturday. She's not a shop till you drop person so it's a bit challenging for those of us that are to accommodate the short attention span for shopping. Had to start early too because she is off on a few more road trips with family & friends.

The unfortunate thing about this particular post is that it really doesn't have a point except that I could say that sometimes taking a mini-vacation is all that is necessary in order to restore one's humour and positive sensibilities. Hope that you take one if you need it too.


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